Maurice de Prendergast
12th Century
Maurice de Prendergast is believed to be the
earliest progenitor of the Prendergast family in Ireland.
Maurice arrived in Ireland in 1169, one of the
first settlers in the train of the Earl of Strongbow. He had sailed with 200 soldiers from his family home in Pembroke,
Wales, where his family had settled after the Norman Conquest of 1066.
Maurice and his son Philip and grandson
Gerald acquired extensive lands in Wexford, Cork, Limerick and Mayo, most of which duly passed via Geralds
daughters to other men. On most of these lands, early branches of the family settled, who must have been relatives of the
above mentioned lords. These were the ancestors of the later Prendergasts of Mayo and Wexford, while those of West Limerick
exchanged their lands there for others in South Tipperary, and were the ancestors of the Prendergasts of that county.
For a complete breakdown of the life story of Maurice de Prendergast and his
Norman ancestors, visit Maurie Prendergast's Prendergast Origins page.
However, there is a bit of a gap between Maurice's sons and Calum's and Jamie's
earliest, more recent Prendergast ancestor!

John Prendergast
1??? - after 1833
John Prendergast was Calum's and Jamie's four
times great grandfather.
Little is known of John Prendergast as yet. In 1827
and 1833 he is noted in the Tithes Applotment books as residing at Kilonerry, the only member of the Prendergast family to
hold land there. By 1851, his son Thomas had apparently taken over working the holding, as noted in Griffith's Valuation,
although an article in the Munster Express on 9 JUN 1888, discussing the new arbitration scheme on
rents in Carrick-on-Suir notes Mrs Prendergast of Killonerry as having paid rent for the land for some 50 years:
The Rev. Chairman said Mr. Dunphy deserved the thanks
of all honest men. A case has turned up in our district - that of Mrs. Prendergast of Killonerry. The woman has 15 acres
of land, and has paid for the last 50 years the enormous sum of £3,000 (oh, oh). She would continue to pay it if she had it,
or could borrow it. Some people appear to have an objection to amicable settlements between landlord and tenant. Now, my neighbours,
I wish that some one - no matter if he were a Hottentot - would see justice done to Mrs. Prendergast. Cardinal Moran
once said that in some cases the landlords ought to be made make restitution to their tenants for the unjust rents exacted
from them. I believe that by Cardinal Moran, or any equity court in the world, this case would be considered one of plain
robbery (hear, hear). The Rev. Chairman concluded by exhorting them to stick to the fight and never to recede from their present
position until justice was done them.
John had at least one son:
Thomas Prendergast
b: 18?? - d: 18??

Thomas Prendergast
abt 1815 - abt 1870
Thomas Prendergast was Calum's and Jamie's four times great grandfather.
The first record noting the Prendergast family’s presence in Killonerry
House is that found in 1850 via the published returns of Griffith's Primary Valuation of Ireland. In the original published
return from 1850, we initially find John Prendergast's son Thomas listed as the holder of just over 22 acres on plot 8, held
on a lease from a Robert Walsh Esquire, with the land having a rateable value of £26 10s. The accompanying map for the survey
shows that Thomas held a portion of land to the far south east corner of the townland, which did not include Killonerry House
at this point. However, that was not the end of the story, because shortly after the first publication, a second publication
of the returns was issued towards the end of 1850 “as altered on appeal by the sub-commissioners”. In this we
again find Thomas holding the same 22 acres, but this time from the Earl of Bessborough, not Robert Walsh, and with the rateable
value reduced to £25 from £26 10s. But in the return we can now also see a second holding of land for Thomas, marked as plot
4, which was substantially larger, at over 119 acres, and valued at £150. It would seem that between the two editions of the
publication, the Earl of Bessborough had gained direct control of the area as the landlord from Robert Walsh, and that following
this Thomas had acquired this much larger holding in Killonerry, including Killonery House.
Subsequent revisions to ownership were entered into the Cancelled Land Books
(held at the Valuation Office in Dublin). On the first page of the returns for Killonerry townland, covering revisions to
ownership made in the 1850s, Thomas is noted is again as holding the larger plot 4, which is described as having expanded
slightly from 119 acres to 128 acres, but his former plot 8 is now shown to be in the hands of a gentleman called Terence
Whelan. It would seem that having acquired plot 4 in 1850, Thomas had almost immediately disposed of the older family
On June 15th 1853 Thomas married Bridget Daniel or O'Donnell,
a member of another prominent Roman Catholic family based within the civil parish of Whitechurch. One of the witnesses to
their wedding in June 1853 was in fact Terence Whelan, almost certainly the same gentleman who purchased
plot 8 around this time. The other witness was Margaret Cuddihy.
Over the next few years there were several newspaper stories and brief mentions
in the local press about Thomas and Killonerry House. In 1859 the Kilkenny Journal and Carlow Post reported
that a barn at the farm had been totally consumed in a fire “caused by a servant boy, who was after cleaning his master's
horses for the night, having left a candle lighting in the barn when going to his supper”. There are also several regular
articles about agricultural competitions organised by the Earl of Bessborough, with Thomas winning several prizes, such as
a second place medal in October 1866 “for the best pen of five one-shear ewes”, as reported by the Waterford
An entry in the Registry of Deeds from 1892 shows that in 1867 Thomas was given
a 31 year lease of the 128 acre holding by the Earl of Bessborough. This seems likely to have been a second lease, as Thomas
had already gained possession of the same 128 acres in 1850, as noted earlier in Griffith's Valuation.
The next major recorded development concerning the property follows Thomas' death
in 1870. As the Cancelled Land Books for the 1870s show, Thomas' name was scored out and his wife
Bridget listed as the new tenant of the Earl of Bessborough. The land was later purchased outright by Bridget from the Earl of Bessborough in 1893, at which point
it became held in fee (outright ownership) by her.
Bridget eventually passed away in 1903 at Killonerry House.
Mary Anne Prendergast
b: abt 15 Feb 1853
Mary Anne, or Anne, was baptised on February 15th 1853 in the parish of Templeorum.
Her parents were Thomas Prendergast and Bridget Daniel, who resided at Kilonerry. The sponsors were Richard Prendergast and
Marian Cuddihy. (RootsIreland.ie)
On 23 FEB 1876, 22 year old Anne married 29 year old Maurice Burke,
son of James Burke (living), a farmer in Killonerry, where he was based, at Templeorum Roman Catholic Church.
Anne was also noted at Killonerry, and as a farmer's daughter, although her father Thomas Prendergast was
deceased. The witnesses were Michael Loughlin and Mary Prendergast.
Anne and Michael had at least ten children - Maurice
(1875-1949), Catherine Mary (1876 -), Bridget Mary
(1874-1964), Mary (1880-1964),
Margaret (1881 -), James (1883-1959),
Thomas (1884-1951), Anne (1887-1913),
David (1889-1959), and Milo (1890-1968).
Anne died at Killonerry on 20 JUN 1933. The cause of death was senility, and
was certified. She was an 80 year old widow, with her surname given as Bourke, rather than Burke. The informant
to the registrar in Thomastown on 4 NOV 1933 was her son David Bourke, present at her death in
Killonerry. (Source: IrishGenealogy.ie 1933 D GroupReg ID 1931713 SRD Thomastown).
A DNA match was made in April 2022 with a descendant of Anne's son Milo on
Ancestry, a fourth cousin once removed, going by the user name hdburke20.
Thomas Prendergast
b: abt 6 Mar 1855
Thomas was baptised on March 6th 1855 in the parish of Templeorum. His parents
were Thomas Prendergast and Bridget Daniel, who resided at Kilonerry. The sponsors were Michael Neil and Ellen MacGrath.
This Thomas died in infancy.
Patrick Prendergast
b: abt 17 Mar 1857 d: after 1911
Patrick was baptised on March 17th 1857 in the parish of Templeorum. His
parents were Thomas Prendergast and Bridget Daniel, who resided at Kilonerry. The sponsors were Thomas Magrath and Bridget
Whealan. (The baptism transcript on RootsIreland also states that he married Johanna Flynn on May 5th 1912).
Patrick married a lady called Annie Hogan,
and had at least five children - Thomas, Bridget, Michael,
Ellen and Patrick.

Patrick Prendergast's farm at Killonerry |
In the 1901 census, Patrick was listed as a 44 year old farmer at Killonerry,
head of family, Roman Catholic, able to read and write, and married, born in County Kilkenny. With him were his 38 year old
wife Annie, born in Tipperary, his six year old scholar son Thomas (able to read and write),
5 year old scholar daughter Bridget (abe to read and write), 2 year old son Michael (unable
to read) and 1 year old daughter Ellen. The children were all Catholic and born in County Kilkenny, though
there is no answer recorded as to whether they could all speak Irish or not. Also present in the house were two farm servants,
50 year old Patrick Barry from County Kilkenny, and 15 year old Bridget Donovan, from Tipperary.
The enumerator was RIC Constable Patrick Haran.
The building return from the same census shows that Patrick's brother and his
family stayed in the same farmhouse, with Patrick the owner of the property. There were 11 outbuildings to the main property,
and between 10 and 12 rooms in the main farmhouse - Patrick and his family, 8 people in total, occupied 6 rooms,
Thomas and his family, 9 people in total, occupied another five. The front of the house displayed 14 windows, and the
house was listed as '1st Class'. The return specifically states that 2 families lived in the house. The household schedule
was picked up by Constable Haran, the enumerator, on April 4th 1901.
Kilonerry farm was also noted as located in the parish of Whitechurch, the
barony of Iverk, the townland of Killonerry, district electoiral division of Whitechurch, poor law union of Carrick-on-Suir,
parliamentary division of South Kilkenny and county of Kilkenny.
Patrick's wife Annie is not listed in the 1911 census,
having died shortly after the 1901 census. Patrick's age is here now given as 53 and he is noted as a farmer and widower,
from County Kilkenny. He was unable to speak in Irish. In addition to his family there were two servants, Johanna Flynn, aged
50, and Martin Flynn, aged 22, both from County Waterford.
Curiously though, the brothers' situation is not only different, but the information
on the main farm building at Killonerry is itself very different. The families of both Patrick and Thomas are now listed in
different properties, and each of the brothers recorded as landowners. Patrick's house is described as '1st class' having 9
rooms occupied by the family, and just seven windows now at the front. This contrast with Thomas's '2nd class' house, with
5 windows at the front and 6 rooms occupied by the family. It is known
that the brothers did part ways and a second home was set up on part of the Killonerry farm land, so this clearly happened
between 1901 and 1911.
Patrick remarried, giving the stepmother control
of his children and of Killonerry House. The name of his second wife is as yet unknown. According to Patrick's granddaughter
Ann Vreeland (nee Prendergast), her father Michael never had much to say about his stepmother,
who was apparently not the warmest of people.
In 1922, the property was passed on to Patrick's son, which may well indicate
that Patrick had passed away at this stage.
Thomas Prendergast
b: 1894 d: after 1940
Thomas was born at the family farm of Killonerry, in the parish of Whitechurch,
County Kilkenny, Ireland, in approximately 1894.
In the 1901 census he was listed at Killonerry as a 6 year old scholar, able
to read and write, Roman Catholic and born in County Kilkenny. In the 1911
census Thomas was now noted as a farmer's son, Roman Catholic, 16, unmarried, and unable to speak in Gaelic.
In 1922 the original farm at Killonerry was passed into Thomas' ownership, as
noted in the Valuation Office revision books in Dublin. Four years later, in 1926, Thomas sold part of the land to a neighbour,
Philip O' Dwyer, with the land rated at £25 a year.
It is possible that Thomas joined the Third Tipperary Brigade of the Irish
Republican Army and fought during the War of Independence (see below) as well as the
Irish civil war. The Military Archives website (www.militaryarchives.ie) has suggested this in a company membership list that was drawn up for subsequent pension purposes which shows him to
have been a member of the Brigade's 8th Battalion K Company, or 'Killonerry Company'. A Thomas Prendergast is noted, along
with several of the Killonerry Prendergasts, however it is not known if this was Thomas, son of Patrick, or Thomas, son of
Thomas. The membership list records Thomas on two dates, July 11th 1921 and July 1st 1922. (Source: IRA Membership
file MA-MSPC-RO-152, Military Archives, Cathal Brugha Barracks)
Thomas was most certainly caught up in the struggle, however. The following extraordinary
article from July 20th 1934 relates his involvement in a 1922 civil war battle which later became known as the Battle
of Carrick, a three day fight between a couple of hundred republican Irregulars and the Free State Army:
Thomas Prendergast, Kilonery House, near Carrick-on-Suir,
was applicant in a claim for £107 17s 3d for damage done to his house and property during a big engagement between the Free
State troops and the forces against them in July or August, 1922.
Mr. Budd B.L. (instructed by Mr. Power, solr., Carrick-on-Suir),
for the applicant.
Dr. Crotty said he understood that the case was not
being heard until the following day. He had an official of the Board of Works coming from Waterford to give evidence, and
he was not prepared to close his case that day.
Mr. Budd submitted a map of the scene of the occurrence
and said the Free State troops came out from Waterford and were operating on the slopes at the back of Carrick-on-Suir.
Applicant said that he was an active sympathiser with
the I.R.A. and then his sympathies went to those who opposed the Free State forces after the Treaty. He was actually out driving
for them. He was advised by his solicitors not to apply for compensation under the 1923 Act. He was not at home in July or
August. He was there some time previous to July and the damage for which he now claimed compensation was not then done. The
Irregular troops were encamped at a wood by a tributary of the Suir near his house. Col. Prout and the Free State troops came
up from Waterford and there was a three days battle during which the Free State troops occupied the house. Applicant was arrested
on the day they arrived and kept in an outhouse. He found all this damage when he came back. He was claiming for repairs to
the floor, joists, windows, skirting, plastering etc. Applicant had got an estimate for repairs from a Carrick-on-Suir firm.
He had deducted 60 per cent from the estimate for joinery because he admitted the woodwork in the house was old at the time.
In the case of the plastering he had deducted 50 per cent. There were also certain articles taken away by the troops - an
overcoat, suits of clothes and pairs of boots. He had paid £10 for the two suits of clothes and regarded them being worth
half price at the time they were taken. He was also claiming halfprice in respect of some shirts. He was claiming £3 for a
mahogany dining table, and he was also claiming for a mahogany washstand, four mahogany chairs, mattresses, covers, quilts.
Practically all the delph and china in the house was broken. He claimed £5 for this item, as well as £1 10s. for mechanic's
tools. Other articles taken included two razors and three pairs of lace curtains out of which the troops made stockings
Cross-examined by Dr. Crotty applicant said he had
no direct evidence that these things were taken away. They were there on a certain date and they were not there afterwards.
Dr. Crotty - What did the Free State troops want with
a mahogany table?
Applicant - As far as I know they were scarce of material.
They took it for burning? - Yes.
Thomas Prendergast, uncle of the applicant, said he
lived near Kilonery House, and saw the troops breaking out the windows in July or August, 1922. The various articles for which
applicant claimed compensation were in the house before the Free State troops occupied it. He saw the house afterwards and
it was a teetotal wreck. "In fact," said witness, "myself was worth it."
Mr. Budd - You were a total wreck too?
Witness - They killed all my cattle.
Did you get compensation? - I did.
Dr. Crotty - Did you know what was in your nephew's
Witness - I did not exactly know. I knew there was
furniture in the house.
Continuing, witness said the house was not as good
as ever it was. There was still traces of the damage remaining. The floors in some of the rooms had not yet been repaired.
Thomas Brown, mason, said he did some repair work
in applicant's house prior to the damage in respect of which the claim was made. Having regard to its age, the house was then
in good condition.
Pierce Nolan (Messrs Nolan and Sons, building contractors,
Carrick-on-Suir), said he had made an estimate with regard to damage done to the house. The floors were in good repair
before the place was occupied by the troops. Dances had been held there previously. There was heavy rain at the time and he
understood the troops pulled up the boards to light a fire at which to dry their clothes.
Dr. Crotty - Your estimate for repairs is a speculative
Witness - No: it is based on what I saw.
Dr. Crotty then asked that the remainder of the case
be held over until the following day for the attendance of his witness.
Arthur Walsh, Board of Works, Waterford, said he saw
applicant's house and went through it. It was a large substantial farmhouse. Nothing had been done to repair it. The
floors were broken and the ceilings blackened. He did not know how much of the present damage was attributable to what happened
in the troubled times. The house was practically empty and there was no furniture in it. His estimate for repairs was £56
17s 6d.
Mr. Budd said that was only £4 more than their estimate.
The house was a mansion with stone steps leading up to it, and not a farm-house.
The Judge said the applicant's estimate for the damage
done to the house and the goods destroyed was a reasonable one. He would report for £102. £3 expenses were allowed.
It should be noted that Pierce Nolan, the witness
building contractor, was in fact the uncle (by marriage) of Paddy Giles, Calum's and Jamie's grandfather.
The Valuation Office revision books for the area note "house almost derelict"
for Killonerry farm in 1939, implying that the repairs may not have been made following the award of damages. The property
then appears to have bene sold to a William and J. Dowley in 1946.
Bridget Prendergast
b: abt 1895
Bridget was born at the family farm at Killonerry, in the parish of Whitechurch,
County Kilkenny, Ireland, in approximately 1895.
In the 1901 census she was listed at Killonerry as a 5 year old scholar, able
to read and write, Roman Catholic and born in County Kilkenny.
The 1911 census noted that Bridget, still at Killonerry, could read
and write, but could not speak in Gaelic.
Michael Francis Prendergast
b: 26/10/1898
Michael was born on October 26th 1898 at the family farm at Killonerry, in the
parish of Whitechurch, County Kilkenny, Ireland. On his birth certificate, his father, the informant to the registrar in Carrick-on-Suir
on November 4th, was noted as a farmer (1898/CARRICK-ON-SUIR/Q4//4/455).
Michael is noted as living at the farm in Killonerry in both the
1901 and 1911 censuses, and would no doubt have spent his youth preoccupied with school studies and day to day farm work. He could read and write, according to the 1911 census, where he was noted as
a scholar, but he had no Gaelic.

Michael (middle) with the IRA Third Tipperary Brigade |
Michael's daughter Ann Vreeland contacted us in October 2005
to provide further details on her father, for which we are extremely grateful. During the War of Independence, also known
as the Anglo-Irish War, Michael joined the Third Tipperary Brigade of the Irish Republican Army, fighting against the British
State for a free Ireland based on republican principles. The Military Archives website (www.militaryarchives.ie) has confirmed this in the form of a company membership list that was drawn up for subsequent pension purposes which shows
Michael to have been a member of the Brigade's 8th Battalion K Company, or 'Killonerry Company', along with several of his
Prendergast cousins (Source: IRA Membership file MA-MSPC-RO-152, Military Archives, Cathal Brugha). Other companies in the
8th Battalion included Carrick, Faugheen, Grangemockler, Kilcash, Kilsheelan, Ballyneale, Windgap, Rathgormack, Clonea-Power,
Mothel and Piltown.
By 1920 there were about 100 members of the British army based in Carrick-on-Suir,
alongside 30 members of the RIC and members of the Black and Tans. As the IRA's guerilla campiagn for independence escalated,
many police stations and barracks were abandoned by the British, and their premises burned by the republicans to prevent reoccupation.
On November 20th, undercover agents were assassinated by the IRA in Dublin, prompting the British army to retaliate by shooting
unarmed civilians at a Gaelic football match at Croke Park. The result was a massive escalation of the IRA campaign - and
Killonerry was right in the middle of it. From the book Carrick-on-Suir
and its People by Patrick C. Power (1975):
The year 1921 began with an attack by the Killonerry
Company on a mixed force of police and military in Cregg - 20 men in all. The fifteen badly-armed attackers kept up the action
until nightfall when the government forces retired with four wounded. They left some weapons behind which were eagerly seized.
The same company attacked a much larger force next day near Tibroughney and a long fight ensued in which the attackers were
nearly surrounded. With nightfall the British retired but next day they made a reconaissance in force which was halted by
a trenched roadway. Here they once more attacked and one man killed.
It is not known whether Michael or his cousins were involved in this incident,
but it would seem likely. The membership list records Michael on two dates, July 11th 1921 and July 1st 1922. It also notes
that he was later in the USA. By 1921, a treaty was proposed by the British
that would divide the island of Ireland into two states, the northern six Protestant majority counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh,
Fermanagh, Tyrone and Londonderry forming Northern Ireland, and the 26 majority Catholic counties of the south becoming
the Irish Free State. The Treaty vote split the Irish Catholic voters into two camps, pro-Treaty and against the Treaty, with
the pro-Treaty faction winning. The British withdrew from the 26 southern counties, now the Irish Free State, a
country that had Dominion Status within the British Commonwealth. But many members of the IRA, who had voted
against partition, refused to accept the Treaty and saw the new Free Staters as traitors to the Republican cause. The result
was the declaration of civil war between the two opposing Treaty parties, with the Free Staters finally winning the war against
the 'Irregulars'.
Michael's daughter Ann knows very little of her father's activities as a
member of the IRA, mainly because he remained so secretive about his activities. It is believed that he may have been a member
of an IRA flying column known as the Galtee Mountain Boys, though this is as yet unconfirmed. At one stage Michael and other
volunteers are known to have buried some rifles in Tipperary, and to his dying day he refused to say where they were located.
It is also not known if he was involved in the Battle of Carrick-on-Suir, and the warfare at Killonerry (see above),
but it seems incredibly likely. Following the Irregulars' defeat, Michael went on the run in Ireland, and was eventually forced
to flee the country.

Michael's wedding to Ellen Whelan in 1944 |
Michael travelled to Canada, and from there to the United States
of America, where he settled in New York. On June 15th 1944, he married Ellen Margaret Whelan in the
Church of St. Elizabeth, New York City. Ellen was a native of Cahir in Tipperary, and had previously been taken to the
States by her aunt, Nellie Sullivan. The witnesses to the wedding were Denis Whelan
and Marcella Kreson. The couple settled and had a family of three children.
In 1978, thirty years after the Irish Free State had finally thrown off
its dominion status to become a republic, Michael and Ellen decided to retire back to their native land, settling
back in Ellen's home town of Cahir.
Michael finally passed away on January 26th 1987, and was buried
in Cahir, outside the church across from Cahir Castle. Ellen was also buried in the same churchyard.
Michael Prendergast
b: 19??
Michael was born in the United States. He joined
the US Navy, and when he left the navy decided not to return to the States. He worked around the world, and took his
first visit to Ireland in 1978, where after meeting many family members and falling in love with the country, decided to buy a
piece of property up a mountain road near Clonmel, where he built a house which he named Killonery House II. He
still lives in Clonmel today.
Dennis Prendergast
b: 19?? d: 1989
Dennis had a history of heart problems. After his death in the United States,
his sister Ann took his body to the Republic of Ireland and buried him alongside their parents in Cahir, County Tipperary.
Ann Prendergast
b: 19??
Ann was born in the United States, and still lives in Rutland, Vermont.
A huge thanks to Ann for providing so much information on her branch of
the Prendergast family. Ann can be contacted at the following e-mail address: prende@myway.com
Ellen Prendergast
b: 1900
Ellen was born at the family farm at Killonerry, in the parish of Whitechurch,
County Kilkenny, Ireland, in approximately 19001.
In the 1901 census she was listed at Killonerry
as 1 year old, Roman Catholic and born in County Kilkenny.
In the 1911 census Ellen was by now recorded as a 10 year old scholar, able
to read and write, but without any Irish.
Patrick Prendergast
b: 1906
Patrick was born at the family farm at Killonerry, in the parish of Whitechurch,
County Kilkenny, Ireland, in approximately 1906. In the 1911 census he was a 5 year old scholar, could read and write,
but had no Irish.
Thomas Prendergast
b: abt 24 Aug 1858
Calum's and Jamie's great great grandfather
- see below.
Margaret Prendergast
b: abt 1 Apr 1862
Margaret was baptised on April 1st 1862 in the parish of Templeorum. Her parents
were Thomas Prendergast and Bridget Daniel, who resided at Kilonerry. The sponsors were Daniel MacGrath and Ellen Nellie.
Thomas Prendergast abt 24/8/1858 - 23/5/1936
Prendergast was Calum's and Jamie's great great grandfather.
Thomas was baptised in the County Kilkenny parish of Templeorum on 24 AUG 1858,
with his address noted as Kilonerry. His parents were Thomas Prendergast and Bridget Daniel,
whilst the sponsors were John Burke and Anne Prendergast.
Thomas married Mary Shea, daughter
of Daniel Shea, on November 26th 1888 in the parish of Templeorum. The civil marriage record notes both as
being farmers in Killonerry of full age, with the witnesses noted as William O' Donnell and Hannah Barden. Thomas' father
was Thomas Prendergast, farmer (GRO Ireland, 1888, M, Group Reg ID 2482355, Carrick-on-Suir). The Roman
Catholic church certificate for the marriage, however, shows Thomas residing at Kilonerry and Mary as having come from Bawngarriff.
The witnesses in this document were James Daniel and Sarah Barden (RootsIreland). After the wedding the couple settled in
the Prendergast family farm at Killonerry, where they raised their family.
In the 1901 census, Thomas is recorded at Killonerry as a 42 year old farmer,
head of family, Roman Catholic (listed as 'Catholice'), able to read and write but not able to speak in Irish, and born in
County Kilkenny. With him were his 37 year old wife Mary from Kilkenny (can read and write), children Thomas
aged 9 (scholar, can read and write), Daniel aged 9 also (scholar, able to read and write), Bridget aged
8 (scholar, can read and write), Paul aged 6 (scholar, can read and write), Alice aged 3
(cannot read) and Mary aged 1 (cannot read). Also in the house was 13 year old farm servant Bridget
Houlihan, Catholic and from County Waterford (can read and write).
In the 1911 census, the whole family is again located at Killonerry.
Thomas was 50, a farmer, and noted as able to read and write, and as a Roman Catholic, unable to speak in Gaelic. With him
were six children, but the record states that they had had a further two children no longer alive. Also in the farm was 30
year old servant Margaret Hearn, from Kilkenny, able to speak in English and Gaelic.
In 1934 the revision books from the Valuation Office in Dublin show that
Thomas passed on possession of his farm at Killonerry to his son Daniel. The farm's rateable value at this stage was £77 (£7
for the house, the rest for the land).
Thomas died on Saturday 23rd May 1936, and it is believed that he was interred
in Piltown Cemetery. The Munster Express of May 29th carried a short notice
and tribute to him on his death (p.1):
The death occurred on Saturday of Mr. Thomas Prendergast, Killonerry, Carrick-on-Suir.
Deceased was one of the best-known and most respected farmers in the district and was very popular. His home was the centre
of much activity during the Anglo-Irish war in which himself and his sons and daughters took an active part.
There was a very large attendance at the funeral to Piltown, where interment
took place after Requiem Mass. Deceased was brother of Mr. P. Prendergast, Kilonerry, and father of Messrs. Daniel, Thomas
and Paul Prendergast, and of Misses B. and M. Prendergast, and Mrs. Dee, Kilonerry.
Spoken to in August 2004, Thomas' granddaughter Winnifred
recalled that Thomas was "a fine man with a bit of a temper"!
Unknown Prendergast
b: 18??
This unknown child was deceased by the time of the 1911 census, which clearly
shows that Thomas and Mary had had eight children, with only six still alive by then.
Thomas Prendergast
b: 2/10/1889 d: bef 1901
This son Thomas was born on 22 OCT 1889 at New Street, Carrick-on-Suir, the son
of Thomas Prendergast, farmer, and Mary Shea. His mother was the informant to the registrar. Thomas was subsequently baptised
in Carrick on 8 FEB 1890.
It would seem that Thomas died in infancy, as a later brother was christened with the same name. He is also not to be
found in the 1901 or 1911 census returns.
Daniel Prendergast
b: 4/9/1891 d: 25/12/1972
Daniel was Thomas' twin brother, and was baptised into the Roman Catholic
faith in the parish of Templeorum, Co. Kilkenny, on September 4th 1891, being resident at that point at Killonerry. The sponsors
at his christening were Michael Phelan and Bridgid Shea. His parents were noted as Thomas
Prendergast and Mary Shea (Source IFHF).
Daniel is recorded with the family at Killonerry in both the the 1901 and
1911 censues, but could not speak in Gaelic. In 1911 he was a farmer's son by occupation (Source: National Archives of Ireland).
Daniel joined the Third Tipperary Brigade of the Irish Republican Army and fought
during the War of Independence. The Military Archives website (www.militaryarchives.ie) has confirmed this in the form of a company membership list that was drawn up for subsequent pension purposes which shows him
to have been a member of the Brigade's 8th Battalion K Company, or 'Killonerry Company', along with several other members
of the extended Prendergast family. The membership list records Daniel as a member on two dates, July 11th 1921 and July
1st 1922. (Source: IRA Membership Series, file MA-MSPC-RO-152, MilitaryArchives.ie, Cathal Brugha). He may well
have been one of those involved in the Battle of Carrick in mid-1922, though the brigade activity books for Tipperary have
yet to be made available online.
In 1934 the Valuation Office revision books in Dublin note that Daniel took
possession of his father's farm at Killonerry.

Daniel's grave in Piltown |
Daniel married Ellen Angela O'
Dwyer, daughter of John O' Dwyer, and the couple settled at the farm in Killonerry. An article
from the Munster Express of February 11th 1949 (p.7) gives some more on Ellen's background, through the death notice of her
The death occurred at Greenwich Hospital, Conn., U.S.A.,
of Miss Kathleen O' Dwyer, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John O' Dwyer, Cappahayden, Callan. She is survived by her sisters,
Mrs. John Corr, Bawnlusk, Cuffesgrange, Mrs. Prendergast, Killonerry, and Nurse O' Dwyer, Tipperary.
In the 1940 Electoral register for the area,
Daniel is recorded at the farm with his wife, his father, and another Thomas Prendergast, either his twin
brother or his only son. After the death of his father, Daniel took over the running of the farm altogether.
Daniel's wife Ellen died on September 3rd 1966 at the farm in Killonerry.
A thank you notice was placed in the Munster Express on 7 OCT 1966:
PRENDERGAST. The husband and family of the late Ellen
Prendergast, Killonerry, Carrick-on-Suir, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent
sad bereavement; special thanks are due to those who sent Mass cards and messages of sympathy, and those who attended the
removal of the remains, Requiem Mass and funeral. Trusting this will be accepted by all in grateful acknowledgement. The Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for their intentions.
There was also a short news item in the same edition (p.20):
Late Mrs. Ellen Prendergast. -
The death took place rather suddenly at her residence,
Kilonerry, Carrick-on-Suir, of Mrs. Ellen Prendergast, wife of Mr. Daniel Prendergast, who is well-known in local farming
circles. Deceased had been in poor health for some time past. Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives. She was sister
of Mr. Philip O'Dwyer, Cregg, Carrick-on-Suir, and mother of Thomas Prendergast, Kilonerry, Miss Acquin Prendergast, Winifred,
Ursula and Mary Prendergast. The remains were removed to Piltown Church. Requiem Mass was celebrated by Very Rev. Fr. Teehan,
P.P., and the interment took place in the adjoining churchyard. R.I.P.
Daniel eventually passed away on December 25th 1972.
Both Daniel and Ellen were buried in Piltown Cemetery, and in subsequent
years were later joined by both Thomas and Aquin Josephine.
Thomas Prendergast
b: 19?? d: 14/4/1986
Thomas is buried in Piltown Cemetery, Piltown, County Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland.
It is believed that he had no children.
The following death notice for Tommy appeared in the Irish Independent (Tuesday,
21st April, 1986, p.21):
PRENDERGAST (Killonerry, Carrick-on-Suir)
- April 14, 1986, at the County and City Infirmary, Waterford, Thomas, son of the late Dan and Ellen Prendergast, deeply
regretted by his sorrowing sisters, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Remains will be removed to Piltown Church this (Tuesday)
evening leaving hospital at 7.30 o'c. Requiem Mass to-morrow (Wednesday) at 11 o'c. Interment in adjoining cemetery immediately
Mary Prendergast
b: 19?? d: Nov 2004
Mary died in England just two days before her sister Ursula back in Ireland.
Acquin Josephine Prendergast
b: 19?? d: 20/7/1995
Acquin is buried in Piltown Cemetery, Piltown, County Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland.
It is believed that Acquin had no children.
The following burial notice appeared in the Irish Independent on the
following day (Friday, July 21st 1995, p.31):
PRENDERGAST (Killonerry, Carrick-on-Suir) - July 20,
1995, at her residence, Acquin J. (Josephine), daughter of the late Daniel and Ellen, and sister of the late Tommy: deeply
regretted by her loving sisters Mary, Ursula, Winifred, and Angela, brother-in-law Michael Murphy, relatives and friends.
R.I.P. Remains will be removed from Walsh's Funeral Home, today (Friday) at 8.30 o'c, to Piltown Church. Requiem Mass tomorrow (Saturday)
at 12 o'c. Burial in adjoining cemetery immediately afterwards.
Ursula Prendergast
b: 19?? d: Nov 2004
On September 15th 1961, Ursula was noted in the Munster Express as having come
second in a competition for the growth of crimson Bramley apples (p.2). She was noted as Miss Ursula Prendergast, Kilonerry.
Ursula married at some stage after this to Michael Murphy.
Ursula eventually passed away just two days after her sister, Mary,
having suffered severe arthritis for many years. She is believed to have had no children.
Winnifred Prendergast
b: 19??
Winnifred, or 'Winnie' as she is more colloquially known, was born and raised
at Killonerry Farm, County Kilkenny, and is the second youngest of Daniel's children.
On August 16th 1960, Winnie attended the wedding of her cousin Mary Pauline
Prendergast and Paddy Giles, Calum's and Jamie's grandparents, at Piltown Church of Assumption, and also attended the subsequent wedding breakfast
at Clonmel.
In October 2004, Calum's and Jamie's father had a brief phone conversation with
Winnie at Killonerry farm, who was able to confirm the Prendergast family history stated here, as well as clear up the story
of when the original Prendergast farm was divided. Many thanks to Winnie for her help.
Angela Prendergast
b: 19?? d: 7/7/2008
Angela was the youngest of Daniel's children. She never married and passed away on July 7th 2008.
The RIP.ie website lists Angela' passing as follows:
The death has occurred of Angela PRENDERGAST of Kilonerry,
Piltown, Kilkenny.
Removal from Walsh's funeral home, Carrick-on-Suir, tomorrow,
Tuesday, evening at 8pm to The Church of the Assumption, Piltown. Requiem Mass on Wednesday morning at 11am. Burial immediately
afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Date published: Monday, July 07, 2008
Date of death: Monday, July 07, 2008
Thomas Prendergast
b: 4/9/1891 d: 19??
Thomas was Daniel's twin brother, and was baptised into the Roman Catholic
faith in the parish of Templeorum, Co. Kilkenny, on September 4th 1891, being resident at that point at Killonerry. The sponsors
at his christening were Michael Phelan and Catherine Ronan. His parents were noted as Thomas
Prendergast and Mary Shea (Source IFHF).
Thomas is recorded with the family at Killonerry in both the the 1901 and 1911
censuses, but could not speak in Gaelic. In 1911 he was a farmer's son by occupation.
It is likely that this is the Thomas recorded at Killonerry in the 1940
Electoral Register.
Bridget Prendergast
b: abt 18/1/1894 d: after 1911
Bridget was baptised in the County Waterford parish of Tramore on 18 JAN 1894,
the record noting her residence as Picardstown, and her parents as Thomas Prendergast and Mary Shea.
The sponsors were John O'Donnell and Margaret O'Donnell. Bridget's niece, Mary Pauline Prendergast, recalls that her aunt was known more
colloquially as "Sis".
In about 1896 Bridget moved with her family back to the Prendergast farm at Killonerry.
In both the 1901 and 1911 censuses she was recorded at Killonerry, and erroneously noted as aged 8 in 1901. In the 1911 census
it was further noted that she could speak in both Gaelic and English, and she was single. No occupation was noted for her.
Bridget married a gentleman called Paddy Halley, but it is not
yet known if they had any children.
Paul Prendergast
b: 1895 d: 1947
Calum's and Jamie's great grandfather - see below.
Patrick Prendergast
b: 18/7/1896
Patrick was baptised into the Roman Catholic faith on July 18th 1896 in the parish
of Templeorum, Co. Kilkenny, and was resident at Kilonery. His parents were Thomas Prendergast and Mary
Shea, and his sponors were William Daniel and Annie Prendergast (Source IFHF).
Alice Prendergast
b: 9/4/1898 d: 3/6/1967
Alice was baptised
into the Roman Catholic faith on April 9th 1898
in the parish of Templeorum, Co. Kilkenny, and her usual residence being Killonery farm. Her parents were noted as Thomas
Prendergast and Mary O' Shea, and the spnsors as James Burke and Bridget
Burke (Source IFHF).
In the 1901 census Alice was noted as aged 3 at Killonerry. In the 1911 census
for Killonerry it was noted that she could speak in both Gaelic and English, and that she was single.

Alice Prendergast's grave in Piltown |
At some stage prior to 1932, Alice married Martin Dee,
who was seven years older than her, and the son of Thomas and Mary Dee, of Tinvane,
Carrick-on-Suir. It is possible that this was the same Martin Dee shown in a file held at the Military Archives
in Cathal Brugha to be a member of K Company (Killonerry Company) of the 8th Battalion of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade of the
IRA, during the War of Independence (Source: IRA Membership file MA-MSPC-RO-152, Military Archives, Cathal Brugha). In
1932, Alice and Martin had a son, whom they named Thomas Dee. It is not yet known if they had any
further children.
In the 1940 Electoral Register for Carrick-on-Suir, both Alice and Martin are
recorded as still living at Tinvane.
Martin eventually died on July 2nd 1952, and was intestate. An inventory was
drawn up on February 26th 1954 and £269 granted through a letter of administration to his widow Alice through the court at
Waterford (Source: National Archives of Ireland). Alice herself continued on until June 3rd 1967. Both were buried in Piltown
Thomas Dee
b: 1932 d: 16/10/2000
Thomas died on October 16th 2000 and was subsequently buried in Piltown Cemetery
alongside his mother and father. As well as the gravestone shown above, two further memorials were added to the grave top:

Thomas Dee |
A smile for us all
A heart of gold
One of the best
This world could hold
From Billy, Jillian,
Darren and Wayne
Loving Memory of
Loving and kind in all of
his ways, upright and just to
the end of his days, sincere
and true in heart and mind
a beautiful memory
left behind
Mary 'Mollie' Prendergast
b: 14/12/1899 d: after 1911
Mary was known to her niece, Mary Pauline Prendergast,
as Aunt Mollie. She was baprtised into the Roman Catholic faith on December 14th 1899 in the parish of Templeorum, Co. Kilkenny,
with her usual residence noted as Killonery farm. Her parents were noted as Thomas Prendergast and Mary
Shea, and the sponsors as Michael McGrath and Mary Burke (Source: IFHF).
In the 1901 census she was recorded as aged 1 and at Killonerry. As a
youngster, she apparently used to make butter at the farm at Killonerry.
In later years, Mollie emigrated to the United States, where she married
a gentleman by the surname of English, and together they raised a family there. The Munster Express of June
25th 1954 recorded a visit of Mollie back to Ireland from the States (p.12):
Mrs. English, formerly Miss Mollie Prendergast,
of Killonerry, is on a visit to her family, after an absence of many years in the United States. She is staying with her sister,
Mrs. Alice Dee, Tinvane. She is a sister of Mr. Dan Prendergast, and an aunt of Thomas Dee.
It is known that Mollie has at least one granddaughter called Patricia
MacLeod, but her whereabouts are currently unknown.
The following newspaper article from the Munster Express (Friday,
July 22nd 1949, p.8) mentions another members of the Prendergast family from Killonerry, still to be placed, who very
nearly drowned in 1949:
Narrow Escape From Drowning
Whilst swimming in the River Suir at a place
locally known as the "Coal Yard", Tybroughney, a youth named P. Prendergast, Killonerry, had a narrow escape from downing
(sic) when he got into difficulties. The tide was fast ebbing at the time, and he was being carried away by a strong
under-current. Two companions, R. Dowley, son of Mr Louis Dowley, Tybroughney Castle, and Larry Walsh, Three Bridges, immediately
went to his assistance, and, with much difficulty, succeeded in bringing young Prendergast to the river bank, where he remained
for some time in a semi-conscious condition. Great credit is due to the rescuers for their prompt action, which saved the
life of the drowning man, who had gone down for the second time.

Paul Prendergast 9/6/1895 - 18/9/1949
Paul was Calum's and Jamie's great grandfather.
Paul was born on 9 SEP 1895 at the family farm of Killonerry, and was noted as the son of Thomas Prendergast,
farmer, and Mary Shea. His mother registered the birth in Piltown, Carrick-on-Suir union, on 11 OCT 1895 (GROI,
B, 1895, Group Reg ID 9882365 Carrick-on-Suir).
In both the 1901 and 1911 censuses Paul is recorded
as living at Kilonerry with his parents, brothers and sisters. In 1911 it is noted that he could speak both English and
Gaelic (Source: National Archives of Ireland).
When Paul was growing up, his best friend was his distant
cousin John O' Donnell, who lived in the adjoining farm in Killonerry.
With his older brother Daniel helping their
father to run the family farm, Paul took up work as a ploughman at Purcell's Farm, Killonerry, just up the road from his own
home. From a Munster Express death notice of Paul's father Thomas in 1936, it appears that Paul, along with his father
and brothers, was heavily involved on the republican side in the Anglo-Irish War, and on the side of the Irregulars in the
Irish Civil War also.
Paul married Mary Murray on 26 OCT 1932 in Owning Roman Catholic Church, County Kilkenny. At the time of his wedding, he was listed
as a 35 year old farmer living in Killonerry, and son of Thomas Prendergast, farmer, whilst Mary was a 23
year old servant resident at Three Bridges, and daughter of Lawrence Murray, farmer. The witnesses to the
wedding were John Moore and Bridget Duggan, whilst the officiating priest was Father James
Comerford (GROI 1932 M Group Reg ID 1429908 Thomastown).
Paul eventually died on 18 SEP 1949 at the County Hospital, Kilkenny, aged 55.
His usual address was given as Ballyhenebry, Piltown, and the cause of death was cardiac failure, and pulmonary embellism
(?). The informant was M. Oliver O' Hare of the hospital. The record erroneously notes that Paul was a bachelor, however,
his sister Alice Dee corrected the registrar's entry on 11 NOV 1949 via a statutory declaration to G. Mitchel
in Piltown registry office (GROI D 1949 Group Reg ID .2322624 Kilkenny No.1).
After Paul died, he left his most expensive personal item, his plough, to his only
daughter, Pauline. The Munster Express carried an item on his death on September 30th 1949 (p.8):
The death took place recently at Kilonerry, of Mr. Paul
Prendergast, youngest son of the late Mr. Thomas Prendergast. His death removed from the neighbourhood a member of one of
the oldest Co. Kilkenny families. Deceased was extremely popular, and the very large attendance at the funeral and interment
testified to the esteem in which he was held.
Pau's widow Mary survived until 5 MAR 1978, residing in Piltown, Co. Kilkenny.
Mary Pauline Prendergast
b: 16/4/1932
Calum's and Jamie's grandmother - see below.

Mary Pauline Prendergast 19XX -
Pauline was born at home at Three Bridges, on
the outskirts of Piltown, Co. Kilkenny.
Pauline is Calum's and Jamie's grandmother, and
was married to Paddy Giles.
Pauline is the mother of Calum's and Jamie's mother
Claire, and ten other children. She remains the grand matriarch of the Giles family in Ireland!
Connecting to Calum and Jamie
Mary Pauline Prendergast married Patrick Joseph
Giles in 1960.
Daughter, Claire Patricia Giles, married Christopher Mark Paton in 2000.
Sons, Calum Graham
Paton and Jamie Christopher Paton.
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